¬- Apply relative sizes according to screen size.
- Add space to the left of all text after a title (padding or margin?).
¬- create RSS feed.
- a manifesto for the site's ethos.
- Add notes about responsive web design.
¬- Shrines: Simoun.
- Design 1.1 Layout
- Add buttons, stickers, etc while respecting accessibility principles.
¬- Character profiles for Keima and Kiyoshi.
- Create homepage for What Lies Beyond Love and Hate (maybe use modified Listfauxgraphy code).
- Edit and publish Tadashi and Dashi's story.
- Listfaugraphy page with all sorts of resources (or just add hotkeys to smoothen addition of HTML tags, idk).
- HSP/self care resources: Ambience music, Meditation (link to Medito), ASMR, etc.